As humans, we certainly have extra baggage. Baggage from past experience, relationships, and bonds that we bring with us wherever we go. However, not all extra baggage is bad.
We need some extra sometimes to prepare us for where we go by using the wisdom that was learned. However, there is a difference between carrying our past with us as a security blanket or extra luggage, and being prepared. Through this concept, allow God to sift through your baggage.
Allow Him to be like your mother that rummages your suitcase before you leave to camp, making sure you don't bring a rubber snake, but makes sure you have a tooth brush packed. God will keep packed the very best of what you can use and take the burden of the unstable.
In Matthew 11: 28-30, the verse states:
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”So, any extra luggage you are carrying- turn it all over to God! He will be able to make any problem lighter that it is. For instance, I have been looking for a job since the end of the school year, and what I have been doing is turning the issue over to God.
I have looked for jobs practically everyday, while attending school from 8 AM to 6:30 PM. The process I have been doing is maintaining my hopefulness of acquiring a job and praying that a job will happen.
Today, actually, I received an e-mail from one of the jobs I applied to a few weeks ago. I will really hope and pray that I receive the job! If I don't, it's not meant to be. But, I have a hunch it's all according to God's purpose.
In the meantime, anyone reading this who is feeling like they are over packed, carrying extra socks full of sorrow or wrinkled shirts with stains of anger. Allow God to urge you to pack Underwear full of hope and trust.
Because, it's like my mother says:
"You can never carry enough Underwear."
Have a Blessed Father's Day!
<3 KM
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