Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Disney and Brick Walls

We are all familiar with the Little Mermaid, most likely Disney's Little Mermaid.  She was an outgoing mer-person who wanted to change her life and become human.  However, she did this the wrong way by trading her voice to an evil Sea Witch, when she only needed to confront her Father about the issue.

Why am I talking about the Little Mermaid? I have no idea, it just seems to fit what is on my mind currently. The topic being Change and Speaking out.  I guess the Princess Mulan would be a better fit?

Unless Mulan did not speak out about the Huns, her country would have been destroyed (I highly recommend watching this movie!).

But, anyway.

Change, unless you want change in your life you have to speak out.

This has been a very soul searching week, in which I am learning so much about myself that I the part I like to keep hidden keeps peeking over the walls I have up.  And, that's usually what we usually do: build a brick wall between ourselves and the people we should be close too.

Last night, I opened up to two people in my life.  One being someone I want to get closer too, the other I have been close too for the past couple months.  I admit it, I have trust issues.

But, it's not only trust issues with other people, but with God.  Which is silly, considering God has never let me down.  I guess, I am finding that with God- He is not human, He is a being so powerful, just and beautiful! God is perfect, what reason can I think of not to trust him?

Not trusting God, or those around you, just leads to a stagnant point in your relationships where there's nothing, but brick walls.  God knows everything about us, individually, down to how many neuron cells we have, the number of hairs on our head, the pulse of our heart, the thoughts we create every moment, even the speed of  the growth of our toe nails.

How can we NOT trust someone like that!

I pray that those who are going through the same obstacle realize, there is no reason not to trust God; the Creator of the Universe, the King of Kings, the Hope that has blessed us with Salvation!

As for the ones around you, take baby steps.  Remember, Relationships with fellow Christians is very important because these relationships are the Vertebral disks in The Spine of our Christianity (I'm a Nursing Major) that helps Straighten our Posture towards God!

As well, to change these or any other relationships that are stagnant- speak out! Pray to God, Worship his name in songs, and to Hear from Him try reading the Bible and look for the signs he gives us Daily!

It may not be sinning by holding in what needs to be said, but it does hurt your relationships with others more.  Whether removing one Brick at a Time of your Walls or Crashing it all down at once- I promise, you will feel so much better towards the end!
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight. ” (NIV)

Have a blessed day,


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