I must admit, this has a been a mind-bottling and stressful week. I have been studying constantly for exams and have entirely lost all energy until today.
And I of which, fell into this category. I had a 69.4- I needed a 0.1 to pass the class with a C.
I'll tell you, I was extremely stressed out by the fact that I would have to repeat such a hard class and lose a point on the Nursing Scale (you get accepted into Nursing school based on how many points you have).
Last night, I was severely worried about everything. I must say, this happens quite often.
I always tell myself God will be with me, and everything will be alright. However, this is always hard to believe whole-heartedly.
Jeremiah 32: 27 states:
"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything to difficult for Me?"
I ask, how can anything be too difficult for the Creator of all the Universe?
Seems kind of silly to not have Faith in the Lord who has all control.
I came to turns with this yesterday, I was sitting down and just started to pray openly. Basically I said, Lord I know I do not deserve any miracle you may provide, but please Grace me with this class and pass.
Jeremiah 32: 38-41 says:
"They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me for their own good and the good of their children after them. I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away form me. I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my hear and soul."
Not to boast, but Our God is greater than any other. Our God is beautiful, a parent, a refuge!
I am not sure if you all have noticed, but I do have trust issues- even with God. I don't trust others easily due to many broken promises in the past. However, everyday I am finding God is giving me more reason to put 100%, whole hearted trust in Him. God has never failed me, and God is not human.
God is incapable of making mistakes.
In summary of what happened with this class, I somehow passed with a C. I do not know how when I know the teacher ultimately refuses to by-pass grades.
I would like to believe that God place some sort of miracle upon this situation, maybe He lightened her heart on me after seeing how hard I work. Or, maybe somehow the answers were screwed up on the Final exam.
I am not completely sure, but I know it was my Heavenly Father that made it possible.
Have a blessed day,
<3 KM
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