Monday, March 5, 2012

Christainty vs. Judaism

Oh, wow-I just realized it has been a month since I have updated my blog.  Ooops.

I just have been busy lately with school and non-stop tests.

But anyway, yesterday was just the most perfect day.  Me, my boyfriend, and my family went to church together and the preacher gave a great sermon.

What really caught my eye during the sermon was the concept between Jew vs. Gentile.

In Jewish culture, one is born into the religion. And hose who are non-Jewish are referred to as Gentiles.

However today with Christianity, the opposite is true for us.

Just because you are born into the church, raised a Christian, and went to church every Sunday until you were 18 does not make you a Christian.

People complain the Christians are hypocrites, and we go against our own values.

The Majority of Christians people complain about our these Christians who think they are Christians because they were raised to become Christians.

What my dad likes to say is that there are two types of Christians: Christians and Born-Again Christians.

Born-Again Christians are Christians who Choose God to be their Abba Father, who Love God so much that they strive to follow His will, they are aware of the Sacrifice Jesus made for their sins, and thus repent of their sinly ways.

Then there are Christians, who just say they are Christian because their parents are Christians.

Christianity is not Judaism where you are born into it.

Reconsider what makes you a Christian- did you choose your Loving, Living God?

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