This job position has opportunity to open many doors in the future in health care, which is what I just realized what I needed a week or two ago.
Beforehand, since probably two months ago, I have been pursuing many opportunities to lead me in my spiritual walk and serve God. I was desiring to serve my summer as a counselor at a Christian camp. I then thought about doing a missionary trip over the summer in Togo. And finally, I was considering doing an internship here in Greenville involved with a local church.
I was talking to a co-worker where I currently work about all my plans, and she straight up told me: "Kendra, while that may be nice- is it practical?" She then went on to lecture me how bad the economy is and how rough the job market is. It was a harsh reality to face then, but I knew it was true.
While God does call us to do things in His name, the timing to do these things is very precise and perfect.
"For we are God’s workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do."
-Ephesians 2:10
God's timing has always been precise, from the time of David becoming king of Israel, to Noah building to ark, to Joseph becoming a close adviser to the Pharaoh of Egypt, to Moses leading the Jews out of Jerusalem, to Esther becoming queen to save the Jews, and definitely the timing of Jesus to start His ministry.
I'm guessing Jesus was ready to start His ministry by the time He was 7 in the temple preaching to the Rabbis and other teachers. But, I'm sure God kept re-assuring Jesus to wait. Wait for the proper time to start so Jesus could call the apostles and build a strong ministry.
That's when I finally sat down and was like, "God, if it is in your will for me to continue working- may I get a better job. If not, I will follow this camp idea for the summer." And, that's where I am now- I think God answered my question by getting me this job out of the blue.
In the mean time, while I'm sure God will call me to do great things in His name in the future. I need to focus on the present.
I am co-leading a small group this semester, I can become more involved in my church, and also become more involved in the Greenville community volunteering.
As well, maybe God wants me to serve Him here in Greenville in the meantime.
Patience is a virtue. Patience has lead me to this prospective job, and I'm sure God will lead me to many great things in the time to come. God's plan for me is already planned, as long as I stick to Him and desire to find His will.
Think about what you desire for to do God, is it practical today to drop everything like the apostles?
Do you truly hear God calling you to do what you desire, or is it just a desire of your heart?
What can you do today in the present in the meantime while waiting for God's calling?
Have a blessed day,
<3 KM
1 comment:
So true! His timing really is perfect...even when it doesn't feel like it! After I graduated from college, I spent a year working "temporary" jobs while waiting, looking, and praying for something better...and God provided!! At the RIGHT time! Hang in there! :)
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