Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thinking, Considering, Planning

Hello lovely readers,

Let me just say, yesterday was VERY frustrating. Though as frustrating as it was, it somehow drew me back to a mini life lesson that only Jesus could come up with.  They say life is the best teacher, it just gives the test before the lesson plan.

My day went a little like this; I had a doctor's appointment at 9:45 on the other side of town from where my 8:00-9:15 class was.  So, when I woke up at 7:00, I figured- "hm...I'll just skip class."

How many times do we make irrational decisions because we do not think of the consequences or the ripple effects?

My day proceeded to going to the appointment and NOT checking out (I was only there for a prescription and figured (irrationally) that I did not need to, since it was free). I drove across town, dropped off my prescription and realized- wait...I do actually need to do this? If I don't check out, I can get billed or a fee.  (Yesterday did not consist of my most wisest, proudest common sense ).

I proceeded to drive back across town, checked out and drove back to the other side of town to go to work. After work, I went straight to Starbucks across town to study and get life straightened out, right?

Nope. I forgot my prescription pick-up- you guess it, across town.

So yes, I wasted probably 2 gallons worth of gas yesterday driving.  And overall, it was just frustrating to not be able to do the things I planned due to my lack of planning ahead and not thinking of the consequences.

That's the point I am making today, how many times do we make impulsive decisions or choices without considering what it may bring?

In one of my favorite Bible passages, Proverbs 31, one of the qualities of a Virtuous Woman is thinking, planning, and considering the long term effects.

Proverbs 31: 16
"She considers a field and buys it;
  out of her earnings she plants a vineyard."

That key word: Considers

This virtuous woman planned ahead and had to look at the many perspectives of buying a field, the way I see it- the minute you make a decision, you are BUYING that decision.

Whether buying a Chocolate Milkshake from Cook-Out or choosing to become boyfriend/girlfriend with someone- you made you made a choice that you should have devoted at least a minute of thought on.

My challenge for you is to CONSIDER the decisions you make, no matter how silly or simple the choices may be.

If not, you may regret the decision, waste time, or in my case- a quarter tank of gas.

Think of all the possible perspectives of the situations and plan ahead!  

Have a blessed day,


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