Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Decaf Coffee

One of my favorite quotes is that Decaf coffee is like a hairless cat, it exists but that doesn't mean it's right.

Why am I posting about decaf coffee, you may be wondering.  Well, last week on Wednesday I turned blue.  Literally my hands and legs had became blue to the point where my mother called me a "smurf."

I went to the hospital with my boyfriend and mother only to find out that I was normal with my vitals and blood samples.  The doctors told me that I most likely have "Raynaud's Phenomenon."  Which is when you turn blue when something like coldness, caffeine, or emotional stress.

My friend who has Raynaud's told me that if this is the reason I am turning blue, I should stray away from coffee.  After conducting more research, I have found that stress can induce Raynaud's as well.

So, what I had learned from all of this, if I do have Raynaud's is that I need to stop stressing and depending on coffee.

Instead, I should give all control over to God and depend on Him.

Maybe this is all happening as a sign that if I keep living day by day the way I am, it could kill me.  Not that Raynaud's is deadly or anything.

But, stress can damage a person's health as they get older.

Most likely, the stress I have in the future will be heavier than the stress I am experiencing now in school.

 John 14:27 
 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

I need to turn my problems over to God, when I know He is much greater than the problems.

Have a blessed day,

<3 KM

Also, I am drinking DECAF coffee to ease the transition. :D

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