Monday, July 7, 2014


Hello friends,

It's been a while, eh?

My sincerest apologies- life has just been a little bit everywhere the past semester/ summer, very busy- very hustle and bustle!  With close friends graduating, finding a new apartment for the past 3 months (which I finally achieved!), working, volunteering, and doing extracurricular projects for school.  My life has hit an ultimatum of a pause, or the last few passages to the end of a chapter.

What does one do in "transition periods?"

Transition is change. In a broader sense however, transitions are life’s way of asking us to reexamine our present way of being. These transitions can be predictable such as a child leaving for college or marriage, or they can be unpredictable! Whatever the degree or intensity of the event, every transition we experience has one thing in common.

It forces us to make changes to our existing life

And with change, comes resistance. A major life transition literally closes one chapter of our life, and starts a new one, putting us in a new place and direction that we have not walked before. It is often a very difficult adjustment as we endure intense feelings of fear, doubt, and uncertainty.

One of the best analogies I have heard before is that transition periods are kind of like standing in the doorway with each foot in between two rooms.  You can stand there as long as you want- but eventually someone (aka God) is going to shove you out of the way into the next room, into the next period of your life.

Transition periods are honestly some of the most scariest, yet beautifulest periods of our lives.  Because in the crazy, uncertain period- we find ourselves, learn more about ourselves or others, and test our abilities of courage and confidence.   

And ultimately, we have the opportunity to give all our faith in God in the miracles, blessings, or silver linings He can form!

Let us "fix our eyes Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2)


What to do during the transition periods, I believe, depend on what each person and what is being laid on the heart. 
  •  If your doubting you future plans, pray for wisdom and guidance, as well as really analyzing who you are as a person.
  • If you're waiting to get into a program, do what ever you can to get in and improve yourself as a candidate.
  • If a loved one passes away or some other traumatic event, cry away the pain, pray for strength, and seek support.
  • If your just waiting for school to start again, relax and have a great summer!
  • If your seeking for the next big event, or  waiting for the next precursor for your life route- wait it out, the next "big thing" will come in small strides as time passes by!
In the spectrum of all things, remember all things work together for those who love Him!

Life is many different things at many different times, remain hopeful in the things to come.


Deyanira Cavazos said...

Great post :) Transition is a tuffy, I thank God for always being in every moment through and through. God bless you so much in this season of your life.

Kendra Lee said...

Thanks Deyanira! Glad you liked it! :)

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