Sunday, January 26, 2014

Joy in Cheerio's

Hello Friends!

Yesterday, I was reading through Proverbs 17, and I came across Proverbs 17: 22.

"A merry heart does good, like medicine. But a broken spirit dries the bone."

While reading this, I was drinking my usual cup of coffee and bowl of Cheerio's with strawberries (yum!).

And it kind of came to me, Joy is like Cheerios.

You see the commercials for Cheerios, where they advertise that the cereal will make you happy and heart healthy.

While reading through Proverbs, I have gained insight on the importance of wisdom, faithfulness, honesty, and other fruits of the Spirit.

But what really spoke to me in this verse is how "a merry heart does good, like medicine."

In everyday life, it's so easy to be sidetracked by the constant distractions or busy-ness to study, go to work, volunteer, go to meetings, and so on.

In all the hectic that everyday life brings, one thing to search for is joy.

In the dictionary, there are two definitions of joy.

The first is: "a feeling of great pleasure and happiness."  I think that's the most common goal people have is to be happy, to seek pleasure in whatever they do.

But, I think there should be more to this definition than just "a feeling."  Joy is not just a momentary pleasure or happiness, but a zealous that lasts for hours, days, or for an extended period of time.  Joy is more than just being "happy."

You can be happy that you took your exam or finished a strenuous work out, but that happy feeling can just be sucked out with an on-off switch, when you get your grade back or come home to chocolate cake that you can't eat.

Joy is a passion that can not be easily broken.  Joy breaks that switch, the only way it can only be turned off is by internal means, not external means.  Joy is something you choose.

The second definition of joy is "to rejoice."

Rejoicing is FAR more than a happy feeling, Rejoicing is the overwhelment and passion of praising and thanking your Lord for all He has provided and blessed you with!

Joy is a gift that only God can give!  

It is a fruit of the Spirit!

It is an attribute you receive when you realize the the beauty and glory that God is!

Rejoicing is FAR superior than a "feeling or pleasure of happiness."

Happiness is momentarily. Joy, however, is a life long attribute that you possess all the days of your life!

Back in relation to Cheerios, joy is "like medicine."  True joy, true power from God gives you strength, encouragement, and hope that tomorrow will be a better day!  Cheerio's heals your heart from cholesterol and plaque build-up.  Joy is similar in that it builds up your heart!

I love Nehemiah 8:10- "Do not grieve, for the Joy of the Lord is your Strength!" It has strong relation to every aspect of our lives! If we need God everyday to make it through, we definitely need Joy everyday!

So today! Make sure you eat your daily bowl of Cheerio's!

Have a blessed day,
 <3 KM

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